๐ŸŽฒWinning & Losing


The winner is selected via a randomised algorithm which is based off-chain and uses Chainlinkโ€™s Verifiable Random Function (VRF). However, one factor that increases the chance of winning is the number of games a Tree NFT plays. The more games a Tree NFT plays, the more valuable it becomes as it raises the chance of winning within the randomization framework. For example, Player B joined 40 total game matches and thus has a slightly higher chance of winning a match against Player A who has only joined 35 games.

Chance of winning a game by percentages given that Player A has played the least games and Player D has played the most games:

Player A -> 22%

Player B -> 23%

Player C -> 25%

Player D -> 30%


In the 4 Player games everyone is a winner! Not only does the winner earn Avax but those who lose the race will also get back a percentage of their Avax as well.

Last updated